
Automatic routing

Unlike other solutions, neoan3 routes automatically based on the url. Getting familiar with how routing works and understanding that components can be hybrid (e.g. a custom component as well as a route-component at the same time) is crucial in order to understand intended outcome. To jump right into the "out of the box" behavior, feel free to directly go to the links below. To understand how to influence routing, read on.

Routing mechanism


.htaccess vs _neoan/server.php

Neoan3 can be executed in two "modes". The classical deployment on an apache serve utilizes a .htaccess file in order to break down requests into redirects. When developing (neoan3 develop) or on common NGINX or proxy implementations, requests are directly relayed to the file _neoan/server.php.

Deployment checklist

Make sure to remember potential differences in how you serve neoan3 when you deploy and made changes to routing mechanisms!

Relevant .htaccess lines

        # Relevant if your application is run in a sub-directory of the web-root
        # (e.g. /my-project/ for http://localhost/my-project/)
        RewriteBase /
        # turn off www
        # active by default, one can force redirecting to (recommended)
        RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
        RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1/ [R=301,L]

        # force ssl
        # commented out by default, one can force https over http
        #RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
        #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/img/
        #RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

        # Apache-fix: get Authorization header
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]


        # ROUTING for web (route-components): redirect requests to index.php
        RewriteRule ^(.*)?/$     index.php?action=&%{QUERY_STRING}    [L]


        # ROUTING for node_modules
        # remove for native use or set to [R=301]
        RewriteRule ^node_modules/(.*)$    _neoan/base/Node.php?action=&%{QUERY_STRING}    [L,NC]

        # ROUTING for api
        # {root}/api.v1/
        RewriteRule ^api.(.*)$    _neoan/api/index.php    [L,NC]

        # ROUTING fro files
        # {root}/serve.file/
        RewriteRule ^serve.file/(.*)$    _neoan/base/FileServe.php?action=&%{QUERY_STRING}    [L,NC]

About node & file routing

As visible in the file above, neoan3 reroutes node_module requests. With the help of the file requests are redirected to, neoan3 can import node_modules otherwise requiring a build-process. Yes, you read that right: with hybrid components, your js-modules can import node_modules as well as their dependencies on the fly and even dynamically at run-time. You will learn more about this at custom component.

Alternative API processing

The file _neoan/api/index.php retrieves a version from the url and redirects to the used api class accordingly ( neoan3's default REST-api lives at _neoan/api/V1.php and is therefore available under ) You can change this redirect to either achieve a different api-url (e.g. or redirect to a different api processor. However, you can also simply create your own API receiver (e.g. V2) and use the existing routing.

Alternative web processing

It is not recommended to change the behavior of the web-routing. If you are looking to hook early stage middleware into the application, entertain manipulating the default.php file. You can also use event-hooks to achieve such tasks.

Example default.php:

        // default route (homepage)

        // optional: custom 404

        *   Example: assuming we want to allow cross origin requests but
        *   only for incoming api calls and only from certain origins
        \Neoan3\Core\Event::listen('Core\Api::incoming', function(){
                $http_origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'];
                $allowed = [

                if (in_array($http_origin, $allowed))
                    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin");

learn more about events