The real life PHP framework
Fast, clean, easy, reliable
Be up & running in less than 3 minutes.
Fastest "Hello world" example directly in your terminal:
composer global require neoan3/neoan3
mkdir demo
cd demo
neoan3 new app
neoan3 develop
You can now start playing around with the view. The demo-output can be found in /component/demo/demo.view.html
How amazing is it?
What is an all propose framework? And why do we use it?
Re-usability, maintainability, modularity and abstraction are only a couple of the terms heard when we talk about frameworks. But where is the line between strict formats for rapid development and flexibility to bring freedom?Once learned, neoan3 delivers the possibility to develop very efficient and fast without losing flexibility.
Code along:
Targeted audience
Power to the people
Specialization into designers, front-end-, back-end-developers and SysOps has offered benefits to the industry.
However, not only is it common for smaller to medium sized projects to have only a hand full of resources at
their disposal,
the separation itself often endangers productivity if "one hand does not know what the other does".
neoan3 inhabits all of these worlds, but mostly centers around one simple idea:
One component's front- and back-end is handled by one full-stack artist.
This does not mean that collaboration is limited. neoan3 can be a single-page application or a pure backend-api with ease.
It merely means that it is crafted for the one who does it all in mind.
Then let's jump into details
neoan3 is intended for Apache and NGINX and works closely with concepts of the modern web (including JS-modules
& custom elements).
The result is a true all purpose framework for the full stack developer.
Development of modular functionality is done in components. These components contain view and controller
functionality -
in the case of hybrid components this means JS & PHP controllers.
Models are kept separately to provide an easier security layer on data.
This sounds a little strange? Worry not, it will make so much more sense soon ...