
Abstraction & Decoupling

In order to inject dependencies like a database wrapper instead of coupling models with a particular orm or database type, you can use providers and respective interfaces while programming. Providers are not "untouchable" and are therefore not located in the core directory (_neoan). The default package currently contains the following providers

  • Attributes (for PHP8 attribute hooks)
  • Auth (for JWT & Session injection)
  • Filesystem (mocking of native PHP file functions)
  • Model (Attribute hook & compliant Model interface)
  • MySql (MySql database wrapper, transformer & mocking)

Using MySql database providers as an example, let's see how providers can be used:

In a frame


        namespace Neoan3\Frame;

        use Neoan3\Core\Serve;
        use Neoan3\Provider\MySql\Database;
        use Neoan3\Provider\MySql\DatabaseWrapper;

         * Class Demo
         * @package Neoan3\Frame
        class Demo extends Serve
             * @var Database|DatabaseWrapper
            public DatabaseWrapper $db;

             * Demo constructor.
             * Optionally receives a provider
             * @param Database|null $db
            function __construct(Database $db = null)
                // assignProvider takes three arguments:
                // the first one the reference name, then potential injections, the the fallback (default) assignment closure

                // since version 3.2 default injections can return directly
                $this->db = $this->assignProvider('db', $db, function(){
                    $credentials = getCredentials();
                        return new DatabaseWrapper($credentials['your-db']);

                // neoan3 prior 3.2
                $this->assignProvider('db', $db, function(){
                    $credentials = getCredentials();
                        $this->provider['db'] = new DatabaseWrapper($credentials['your-db']);


In a controller written singleton-style


        namespace Neoan3\Component\Demo;

        use Neoan3\Core\Unicore;
        use Neoan3\Provider\MySql\Database;
        use Neoan3\Model\PostModel;

        class DemoController extends Unicore
             * @var Database|null
            private ?DataBase $db;

             * Demo constructor.
             * If you want to inject or decouple a component (or test it with mocking), you can create a constructor
             * that accepts your injections (here the database for model functionality)
             * @param Database|null $db
            public function __construct(DataBase $db = null)
                $this->db = $db;

             * Route call (Singleton style)
            function init()
                    // register providers in the right order BEFORE initializing uni()
                    // initialize Unicore singleton with wanted frame
                    // in this example, we are writing render parameters to all hooks (including "main")
                    ->addRenderParameter('posts', function($context){
                        // We now attach all found model entities to "posts"
                        return $context->loadModel(PostModel::class)::find([]);
                        Demo/demo.view.html could look like this:
                            <p n-for="posts as post">{{post.title}}</p>
                    ->hook('main', 'demo')


In a controller extending a frame


        namespace Neoan3\Component\Demo;
        use Neoan3\Model\PostModel;
        use Neoan3\Frame\Demo as DemoFrame;

        class DemoController extends DemoFrame
             * Route call
            function init()
                    // this time, let's bind our posts directly to the main hook only
                    ->hook('main', 'demo', [
                        'posts' => $this->loadModel(PostModel::class)::find(['^delete_date']);


In a controller extending a frame using PHP8 attributes


        namespace Neoan3\Component\Demo;
        use Neoan3\Model\PostModel;
        use Neoan3\Frame\Demo as DemoFrame;

        class DemoController extends DemoFrame
             * Route call
            function init()
                    // when using PHP8 & a frame supporting the UseAttributes provider,
                    // conversing with a model is even cleaner without giving up DI & decoupling
                    ->hook('main', 'demo', [
                        'posts' => PostModel::find(['^delete_date']);

In a model


        namespace Neoan3\Model;

        use Neoan3\Provider\MySql\Database;
        use Neoan3\Provider\MySql\Transform;

         * Class post
         * @method static get(string|null $id)
         * @method static create(array $modelArray)
         * @method static update(array $modelArray)
         * @method static find(array|null $conditionArray)
         * @package Neoan3\Model
        class PostModel extends IndexModel
             * @var Database|null
            private static ?Database $db = null;

             * @param Database $database
            static function init(Database $database)
                self::$db = $database;

             * @param $method
             * @param $args
             * @return mixed
            public static function __callStatic($method, $args)
                if(!method_exists(self::class, $method)){
                    $transform = new Transform('post', self::$db);
                    return $transform->$method(...$args);
                } else {
                    return self::$method(...$args);



Now we can test database transactions and easily mock the outcome of queries. The cli-tool generates tests accordingly, so we will only focus on the injection logic

        // testing a model
        $mockDb = new Neoan3\Provider\MySql\MockDatabaseWrapper();
        $model = $mockDb->mockGet('Post');
        $toTest = PostModel::get($model['id']);
        $this->assertSame($model, $toTest);